Friday, February 6, 2009

LasT mOmenTo wIf Him

I m really lazy 2 attend to school 2day..but, when I remember bout two important event at school after diz..willi nilly,I got to go..itz proven datz i didn’t wasting my time. Both of the event really make me unregretful to come to school..its is about farewall party 4 my principal who had to change to Smk Gunung Rapat epowh…he such da besh principal in da world..he such a gentle and cool principle..i m really sad cause had to lost a dedicated principal like him…all da besh for him..go go chayokk cikgu..

act,my aim is I wan to talk about da second event which make me really felt like wan to be an army..if I afford to do it..i ll fly to Gaza n save our relatives there….[tngah bkobar2 nih..B-].before the event start,I m starting to cry wen I listen ustaz recite de doa..I cnt control myslf when I look at the innocent child killed by da could they do like dat to da children? muslim???? n try to imagine if its was happen to our own family?????!!!..nauzubillah…minx dijauhkan..i m really grateful cos still can breath in our peaceful country ..still cn go to school without think whether today such my last day in da world..not need to think whether I still can meet my pamily or instead.thanx god…but…think about rltvs there…r u willing to let them suffer without we doing nothing ?do u still can eat eventhough u noe our relatives there dun ve even a glass of water to drink?do u still can smile eventhough our rltves there is crying look at their house damage..their children die in front of them..n waitng 4 their moment 2 die????r u willing to do nothing anymore????wake up muslim…even we cant afford to stop them..we still can do sumtim to help our relatvs there..think bout it…let us boycott anything 4m Israel.. try to imagine if we buy anythnng 4m them we already contribute money to kill our own relatives…..wake up muslim….i beg u…


Cik 373 said...

kte nmpak gmbar yg b'habuk kat ctue..
gmbar pmr tue dh 2thun lpas la...

wAwA said...

huwaaa...da tue je kenangan ngan pengetue..isk3